Kr. WILLIAM ROBERT GREER, Special Agent, U.S. Secret Service agent, assigned to the White House detail, who resides at 9513 Sheridan, Seabrook Acres, Maryland, was interviewed at the Secret Service Office in the White House and furnished the following Information.
GREER serves in the capacity of Senior Agent assigned to driving the President's vehicle in motorcades. Two of the White House vehicles to be used in the Dallas Presidential visit had been flown into Love Field, Dallas, Texas in a C-130 type aircraft on the morning of November 22, 1963. GREER was in company with the Presidential party which arrived at Love Field In Air Force I, a jet used by President KENNEDY. On the President's arrival, all of the vehicles to be used in the motorcade were in position on the ramp and soon after the party had landed, they took their positions in the awaiting cars and the motorcade departed for downtown Dallas. It is normal procedure for the vehicle bearing the President to be the second car in the motorcade, which follows the lead car generally occupied by local police and the Secret Service Agent who had conducted the advance survey of the route prior to the date of the President's visit. In the Dallas parade GREER was driving the seven-passenger Lincoln Continental "bubble-top" and is customary, President KENNEDY was sitting on the right of the rear seat. Mrs. KENNEDY was seated to his left. Governor CONNALLY WAS seated directly in front of the President on the "Jump-seat" which folds down on the floor between the front and rear seat Mrs. CONNALLY was located to the left of her husband on the "Jump-seat" and Special Agent ROY H. KELLERMAM of the Secret Service, was seated to the right of GREER. As this vehicle departed from the ramp at Love Field, additional Secret Service Agents were on foot surrounding the vehicle until it emerged from the crowded area. The lead car, which was directly in front of the Presidential vehicle, was a police vehicle occupied by members of the City of Dallas Police Department and Secret Service Agent LAWSON, who had conducted the advanced survey of the Dallas route. GREER estimated that the motorcade was traveling at a speed of 15 to 20 miles per hour down the main thoroughfare, which was lined on both sides by vast crowds of people and many additional |