participating generals spoke on the phone. The prisoners, including Colonel Tung, were forced at gun point to tell Nhu the situation. Nhu was then told by General Minh that if he and Diem did not surrender, the palace would receive massive bombardment.
4. General Minh called President Diem again at 1715 Saigon time, but Diem hung up without further comment. Minh at that time was reported to have given orders to bomb the palace. At about the same time there were reports that Diem was preparing to announce imminent surrender, but there has been no firm development on this point as yet. There was also a broadcast from the palace suggesting that Diem was trying to rally support.
5. Coup troops began attacking Gia Long Palace, and expected to take possession by 1900 hours Saigon time. At 1915 hours Saigon time, General Minh was reported to have given Diem one last chance to surrender or face being ''blasted off the face of the earth." Commencing at 1900 hours four loud explosions were heard in the vicinity of the palace within a ten-minute period.
6. Earlier in the afternoon, Diem called Ambassador Lodge at 1630 hours Saigon time, asking what was the position of the US. Lodge took refuge in the confusion of the situation and expressed concern for Diem's physical safety. Lodge told Diem that he had heard that the coup leaders had offered Diem and Nhu safe conduct out of' the country and he asked Diem about this. Diem's only comment was that he was the Chief of State, that he had tried to do his duty, and that he was trying to reestablish law and order.
7. General Minh says it is planned to have an entirely civilian government replace the present one. Vice President Nguyen Ngoc Tho and Pham Huy Quat, prominent Dai Viet opposition leader, have so far been designated for this new cabinet. Minh hoped to turn over the government to civilian hands in two or three days. The generals also hope for early recognition of their new government by the US and the Western powers. |