OCI No. 3238/63
CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Current Intelligence 1 November 1963
CURRENT INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SUBJECT: Progress of the Coup d'Etat in Saigon (As of 0800 EST) 1. At 1345 Saigon time today, General Don telephoned General Stilwell, MACV J-3, stating that all the Vietnamese generals were with him at Joint General Staff (JGS) Headquarters and that a coup was under way. Soon after that, reports were received that the coup forces had seized control of such key installations as the defense ministry, the central police station, the communications ministry and the radio station. Coup troops involved in these actions appeared principally to be marine, airborne, and armored elements. Conein reported from the JGS that General Ton That Dinh was the key to the generals' coup; when he agreed, the coup began.
2. The Presidential Guard barracks were occupied by the coup forces after some slight fighting. The Special Forces compound at Saigon airport was similarly occupied with some fighting. Special Forces Commander Tung was captured as were other pro-Diem figures such as Police Commissioner Tu, Air Force Commander Hien, Airborne Commander Col. Vien, and Marine Commander Khang.
3. Thereafter, seige was laid to the palace and the coup generals began contacting Diem and Nhu by phone, demanding their immediate resignation. The coup generals were seeking a yes or no answer from the president. On the first call to the palace in mid-afternoon Diem allegedly was not present, and General "Big" Minh spoke to Nhu. In order to show Nhu the strength of the coup movement, the various